Thursday 26 June 2014

When in doubt, create a new folder.

I’ve spent my day so far organising all that rubbish that so inexplicably accumulates at lightning speeds on computers. It started out as a simple wish to try and be a little responsible and back-up my files. That simple impulse then developed into a ‘hey, since I’m at it why don’t I also clean out the files first?’. Perfectly logical thought. After all, I don’t want to waste my time or gigabytes on useless, out-of-date or why-on-earth-did-I-ever-keep-this files.

However, that second impulse despite all its virtues has sent me down a little bit of a dark rabbit hole. After what felt like forever (though the clock tries to tell me it was just 40 minutes), numerous deleting's and countless new folders created, I thought I’d sit back and reward myself with that ever satisfying task of emptying out the recycling bin. It would take a hoarder even more dedicated than myself not to recognise and feel the satisfaction of watching all those items swept out in the hit of a button and blink of an eye. Then when I open up the bin and glance smugly at the item total (642 btw) I’m forced to grind to a halt when I notice what the actual items are. Looks like my entire music library has been emptied into there along with some pictures and other things I’m pretty fond of. Have I developed some kind of strange hoarders nostalgia that has set in so abruptly that I can go from choosing to delete something to suddenly having so extreme an attachment to it in a matter of minutes?

I’m still not sure.

But the show must go on and I’ve come up with the theory that I’ve just not emptied the bin in a long time so forgotten about deleting some of the things. I do know I purged my music collection a couple of months ago and will have cleared out duplicates at the same time which I am hoping explains the crucial items. Anyway, after some deep breaths and further scrutiny I’ve come to the conclusion it won’t be the end of the world for this stuff to go so after restoring just four files I wasn’t willing to take that chance on (and probably a little further procrastination in the form of publishing this post) I’ll be hitting that delete button.

So here I sit. Typing up what will inevitably become just another in a long list of where-did-this-come-from files. Therefore, by releasing the frustration over my current clutter littered laptop I am simply creating fuel for the fire of frustration next time I undertake this dreaded task.

Oh, the drama.

P.S. – It's not all bad, while opening up long forgotten folders I discovered a bunch of old favourite photos including this little cute.
